dance performance by Milan Tomášik & Co
- PREMIERE: 29/12/2015, Dance Theater Ljubljana
- Concept and Choreography by: Milan Tomášik
- Choreographic assistance: Špela Vodeb
- Performance, Co-creation: Alessandro Sollima, Milan Tomášik, Špela Vodeb, Tina Valentan
- Music: Aleš Zorec
- Light, Set Design: Luka Curk
- Production: KUD Cortesia
- Co-production: NunArt Barcelona, Dance Theater Ljubljana
- Technical Director: Luka Curk,
- Project is co-financed by the Municipality of the City of Ljubljana
- Postproduction is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture
- Thanks to: Hana-Bi, Hugo Le Brigand, Réka Oberfrank, Lukas Ry
About the performance
Silver Blue is a second dance performance by Milan Tomášik & Co. It is a continuation of a successful group performance The Hunting Season (2014), where we are facing the research of rhythm, which becomes the consequence of the body tension once again. The dancer’s body are expressive, virtuosic and will bring us to the new, unexpected result. In a world that is increasingly dominated by mistrust, fear and hopelessness, the performers create a critical antithesis of true happiness.

Trailer by: Albert Vidal, Vèrtex Comunicació
28th of September 2017 – Pierrot festival, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
28th of November 2016 – PTL, Ljubljana, Slovenia
27th of November 2016 – PTL, Ljubljana, Slovenia
22nd of October 2016 – Hybaj Ho! festival, Alta, Prague, Czech republic
1st. of September 2016 – Fronta festival, Murska Sobota, Slovenia
22nd of July 2016 – Dance days festival, Chania, Crete, Greece
9th of July 2016 – Sommer Akademie, Cologne, Germany
18th of June 2016 – TANZ 2016 festival, Schauspielhaus, Chemnitz, Germany
14th of May 2016 – Burgenländische Tanztage, Oberwart, Austria
30th of December 2015 – PTL, Ljubljana, Slovenia
29th of December 2015 – PREMIERE, PTL, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“Tomášik has managed to create a complete, compact performance which is being developed so that the situation that emerged from the previous, stacked and harmoniously intertwined with occasional shocking, uncomfortable interruptions. The attention of his work is focused on rhythm, its distortions and then re-establish the order.” “Tomášik je uspio stvoriti cjelovitu, kompaktnu predstavu koja se razvija tako da se situacije koje izranjaju iz prethodne, slažu jedna na drugu i skladno prepliću s povremenim šokantnim, nelagodnim prekidima.”
“All the elements of the show are organically intertwined and skillfully designed. From each scene of the performance we get the precision, commitment and a great knowledge.” “Svi elementi predstave organski su isprepleteni i znalački osmišljeni. Preciznost, posvećenost i ogromno znanje izviru iz svakog segmenta ovog scenskog djela.”
“Oblivion erases the past, on the stage is framed already a new scenic flow when each individual is presented in their dance monologue, when flying one after the another, when Spela again playfully and humorously shines on stage with her source of movement structures, shining eyes and huge smile, she is her own and is unique, while Milan is structuring running steps, jumps and hops; these are the moments when you shout hurray, finally dance (and we did not miss shouts at the end of the show on 29 December).” “Pozaba izbriše minulo, na odru pa se snuje že novi scenski tok, ko se vsak posamično predstavi v svojem plesnem monologu, ko letijo in kot po tekočem traku priletijo eden za drugim, ko Špela znova igrivo in hudomušno obsije oder s svoji izvirom gibalnih struktur, sijočih oči in prešernega nasmeha, je svoja in je enkratna, medtem pa Milan strukturira bežeče korake, skoke in poskoke; vse to so trenutki, ko bi kar vzkliknil: hura, končno ples (in vzklikov ni manjkalo ob koncu predstave 29. decembra).”
ABOUT THE SHOW- choreographer’s words
TECHNICAL RIDER click here: Silver blue tehnical rider1