Arms that never knew me

O predstavi

: 28 February 2024, Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

Artistic direction and choreography:Charlie Brittain & Milan Tomášik
Performance: Milan Tomášik
Music and Sound Design: Jakub Mudrák, Eduardo Raon
Lighting Design: David Cvelbar, Janko Čief
Set and Costume Design: Jasna Vastl

Production: Flota, zavod, Murska Sobota (Slovenija)
Co-production: Cankarjev dom, Flota, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Financial support: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Ljubljana
Supported by: Scenario Pubblico (Catania, Italy), Hrvaški kulturni dom (Rijeka, Croatia)
Created as part of a residency at Divadlo Štúdio tanca (Slovakia)

About the performance:

Arms that never knew me focuses on the interplay between real-time being, and the realisation of infinite movement possibilities. Performance is a connection between the past, present and future; an endless junctional moment where there is no beginning or end. Tomášik employs preacceleration: a movement potential colouring the way movement becomes, including the unseen vibrations. The work considers how pastness envelops futurity, bleeding time into movement and movement into time, continually recomposing itself along new curves, images and intensities. Ever-unfolding possibilities and potentialities actualise as the performer explores the complexity of presence; the simultaneity of a movement as an end-action as much as vibration, or pulse. The work is informed by Erin Manning’s process philosophy, where movement is always on the verge between real and metaphysical – ‘a quasi-virtual experience’: actual because all steps actually take place, virtual because all the microperceptions of pastness and futurity are enveloped in the becoming-movement. The performance is a poetic journey where Tomášik’s unique performativity is threaded through the multiplicities realised by the collaboration and collision of sound, scenography and light. Each element interconnects in multiform possibilities, as they contribute to the collective body-becoming. The power of Tao is sound. The potential of Tao is silence. Arms that never knew me is a real-time sensing of the thin veil between what is and all that could be.

Official trailer by August Braatz Adrian film:



“So what taste does Arms That Never Knew Me leave? It by all means enables the synaesthesia of the spectator’s experience in the sense that, in moments, we can hear movement, see sound, taste arms, while, on the other hand, our experience of one on the intersection of the duality of equal authorial views is traced as a precise study of the life of a dancer (who can be both a general and a concrete one), who repeatedly, with every new project or day when they step in front of the audience, pass their experience into other people’s arms, which can either embrace and cradle it or reject it.”
Andreja Kopač ⏐ Delo ⏐ ★★★★★

“The performance indicates the topic of a relationship primarily by means of the gaze […], with the quality of his gaze being different every time. In the first part, the encounter of the gazes is quite commonplace, in the second, we encounter “crazy eyes”, while, in the third, his gazing face is actually a projected image of (another one of) his face(s), which, in a visually fantastic way, rounds off our journey into the multiplicity of the body.”
Jaka Bombač ⏐ Sigledal

“The concept of the performance is intricately designed, including its framing, as it follows the authentic execution of a profound experience, leaving enough room for the viewer for reflection.”
Daliborka Podboj ⏐ Parada plesa

“Through the synergy of movement, text and light, the performance brings a poetic and philosophical insight into the fluidity of movement and space, but also into movement as a process of self-realization.”
“The final scene, where Tomášik merges with the projection of his own character and completely disappears from the scene, which is taken over only by the play of spotlights, breaks the boundary between the physical and virtual body.”
Jelena MihelčićPlesna


Photos by Darja Štravs Tisu

Darja Štravs Tisu


21st of November 2024 – Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

20th of November 2024 – Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

11th of October 2024 – Divadlo Štúdio tanca, Banská Bystrica

20th of June 2024 – Festival Lent, Maribor (LGM)

10th of June 2024 – Dance Week Festival, Zagreb (ZPC)

1st of March 2024 – Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

29th of February 2024 – Cankarjev dom Ljubljana

28th of February 2024 – Cankarjev dom Ljubljana


SOUND_techical rider


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