- Concept & performed by: Milan Tomášik
- Live music: Jakub Mudrák
- Photos: Marek Jančúch
- Production: KUD Cortesia
Dancing Through the Summer is an instant composition dance series conceived by Milan Tomášik and performed at various kinds of outdoor and unconventional spaces. This unique, unrepeatable performance captures rhythm, body architecture, physical and sensory actions, co-created and supported by live synthesized music.
“The dancers responded to the improvised musical scores carefully, and sometimes in an incredibly synchronous manner. This show, which is almost an hour long, really captures the rhythm and architecture of the body, as well as physical and sensual actions, and is definitely one of the highlights of this year’s Spider festival.”
“Plesalca sta se na improvizirane glasbene sekvence odzivala ubrano, in včasih skraj neverjetno sinhrono. Ta slabo uro dolga predstava res ujame ritem in architekturo telesa ter fizične in čutne akcije in zagotovo pomeni enega izmed vrhuncov letošnjega Spiderja.”
Matic Ferlan, RTV SLO, ARS, oddaja Oder, 04. 07. 2023

16th of July 2024 – Deltebre dansa, Deltebre, Spain
19th of August 2023 – Tanečno festival, Námestovo, Slovakia
16th of June 2023 – Spider festival, park Tivoli Ljubljana, Slovenia (with Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik)
24th of August 2022 – PerSe Visioni festival, Polignanno a Mare, Italy