Poetic Body

Where attention goes energy flows – Poetic Body workshop represents a body that is fully present, alive, and engaged. It is an ongoing, immersive practice built on experience of Happy Feet and Playful Presence that draws on inclusive approaches and techniques such as contemporary dance, improvisation, and composition. It incorporates the concept of the body as an instrument or medium capable of expressing and embodying diverse movement qualities, rhythm, tension, emotions, and immaterial. Poetic Body is about the ability to execute any desired action fully, passionately and with ease. We bring action by waking up the body and mind through various physical games, attuning the body to the moment and the space, channelling energy through qigong principles, and connecting with ourselves and the environment. I love to create a friendly atmosphere where we respect the differences and nourish the individuality. In such atmosphere, the learning potential is enormous and even the most sophisticated movement seems easy. I offer a holistic approach to dancing, in which the practise of spontaneous and set movement is intertwined, technique meets with passion and wellbeing is priority. The emphasis is on rhythm and musicality, but we also pay attention on articulation of the different body parts, precise execution of the movement, the foot work, jumps, and spins. I guide you through the exploration of contrasting movement qualities such as range of body tension and we’ll investigate the connection between emotion and motion. I bring my extensive experience as a long-time practitioner of instant composition into each session, guiding students through techniques that enhance presence, awareness, responsiveness, and creativity within performance. I have been teaching for over twenty years and my practice is developed, interconnected, and mutually influenced around the craft of choreography, dance and teaching.

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