PREMIERE: 25. 4. 2019 at Divadlo Štúdio tanca, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
- Choreography: Milan Tomášik
- Direction, dramaturgy and sound design: Jakub Mudrák
- Music: Nils Frahm
- Co-created and performed by: Sabina Bočková, Lukáš Homola, Jakub Mudrák, Veronika Tőkőly
- Costumes: Veronika Vartíková
- Light design: Martin Hamouz
- Production: tri4 o.z.
- Production collaboration: Alexandra Mireková
- Coproduction: Dance Teater Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Partners: Divadlo Štúdio tanca, Se.s.ta centrum choreografického rozvoje, Centrum tance, Vividdancespace
- The project REPAST (Pokrm) was supported by Slovak Arts Council
At the beginning of a theatrical-dance performance, created in collaboration between director Jakub Mudrák and choreographer Milan Tomášik, stands the word repast. The seemingly archaic word speaks of spiritual repast in contrast to the natural, necessary nourishment . Author’s testimony about our everyday life, coexistence, constant movement of thoughts and unpredictable emotions.

T O U R:
26th of May 2021 – Slovak Dance Platform, Bratislava, Slovakia/ONLINE!
8th of May 2021 – Malovice, Czech republic
7th of May 2021 – Hybaj Ho! festival, Prague, Czech republic
26th of October 2020 – Hybaj Ho! festival, Prague, Czech republic/ONLINE!
2nd of March 2020 – Divadlo Štúdio tanca, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
28th of February 2020 – Plesni teater Ljubljana, Slovenia
27th of February 2020 – Plesni teater Ljubljana, Slovenia
25th of April 2019 – PREMIERE, Divadlo Štúdio tanca, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
R E V I E W S :
DALIBORKA PODBOJ, Parada plesa, 14. 3. 2020:
“An interesting theme of the show Repast, which relates to spiritual food already in the title, is a complex choreographic morsel, in a well-defined movement painting and theatre framing, it proves to be sufficiently comprehensive, even clearly legible dance project.” “Zanimiva tema predstave Pokrm/Jedača, ki se že v naslovu navezuje na duhovno hrano, predstavlja kar zahteven koreografski zalogaj, vendar v dobro zastavljeni gibalni poslikavi ter dramskem kadriranju se izkaže za dovolj celovito oblikovan, tudi jasno berljiv plesni projekt.”
MAŠA RADI BUH, Neodvisni, 11. 3. 2020:
“It is interesting that the expressiveness shown in this first part never goes into emotion, but in the constant movement between the constellations of the body, it remains only as an image of a moving body.” “Zanimivo je, da ekspresivnost, ki se kaže v tem prvem delu, nikoli ne preide v čustvovanje, ampak v nenehnem premikanju med telesnimi konstelacijami ostaja pred nami le kot podoba gibajočega se telesa.”
“The body in the grip of muscle spasms transforms from what we call natural posture, such as clay transformed into a distorted image, which redistributes firm distances between different parts of the body, displaces its extreme boundaries, so that the present body in front of us resembles either distorted caricatures or Picasso paintings.” “Telo v prijemu krča mišic se iz tega, kar pojmujemo za naravno držo, kot plastelin preoblikuje v distorzirano podobo, ki prerazporedi ustaljene razdalje med različnimi deli telesa, premesti njegove skrajne meje, tako da prezentno telo pred nami spominja bodisi na popačene karikature bodisi na Picassove slike.”