‘SOLO 2016’ spring/summer TOUR 2017:

‘SOLO 2016’ is Milan Tomášik last dance performance. Since the Premiere in October 2016 the piece has been shown in many different venues and festivals (check the Solo 2016 section for more details).

In 2017 ‘Solo 2016’ will be performed:

27th of April – Divadlo Študio tanca, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia

28th of April – Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, Žilina, Slovakia

20th of May – Zagreb Dance Center, Zagreb, Croatia

17th of July – Akropoditi festival, Island Syros, Greece

11th of August – Tanzwerkstatt Europa, Munich, Germany

29th of August – Vibra festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia

1st of September – Monoplay festival, Zadar, Croatia

13th of October – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia

14th of October – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia

WORKSHOPS in Salzburg, Amsterdam, Berlin, Syros, München, Vilnius, Ljubljana


There are several open (for public) workshops this year you can catch me at. Please, don’t forget to register a.s.a.p., because at most of the festivals, you can get an ‘early bird’ discount! I highly recommend the workshop organized by B12 in Berlin, because it’s gonna be an intensive one. But you choose, what you prefer, sometimes Greece is a great option, if you like the sea:-)

10-15 April: Move Mentors, SALZBURG, Austria

1 May – 17 June: Academy of Theatre and Dance, AMSTERDAM, Holland (only for students)

4 – 7 – July: B12, BERLIN, Germany

17 – 21 July: Akropoditi festival, SYROS, Greece

2 – 12 August: Tanzwerkstatt Europa, MUNCHEN, Germany

14 – 19 August: Summer Dance School VILNIUS, Lithuania

25 – 31 August: Vibra, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia


Happy 2017!

IMG_9998The picture is taken from the rehearsal process “Creation 2018”

Milan Tomášik & Co in a studio, working on “CREATION 2018”

MilanandCoWe started to work on the 3rd piece (after Hunting Season and Silver Blue), the PREMIERE will take place in the first half of 2018. This time, I’d like to take time. To work, to forget, to come back to the material, to work intensively, to get a distance. I am excited to work and continue my choreographic opus with great artist like Spela Vodeb, Alessandro Sollima, Tina Valentan and Tina Breiová from Czech republic with an Armenian roots:-)

Thanks to Old Power Station (and especially to Mojca) for having such a beautiful space and Dance Theater Ljubljana. Great, first residency.


“SOLO 2016” on 5th & 6th of December in Ljubljana


On 5th & 6th of December 2016 I am performing in Cankarjev dom, the newest dance performance called SOLO 2016. After a great tour in Bratislava, Salzburg and Mexico, coming back to Ljubljana. The show starts at 8pm. Reserve your tickets: http://www.cd-cc.si/sl/gledalisce-in-ples/milan-tomasik-solo-2016-8757/

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