dance solo
Slovak Premiere: 19th of September 2016, Tabačka Kulturfabrik, Košice
Slovenian Premiere: 11th of October 2016, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana
- Choreography, dance, selection of music: Milan Tomášik
- Choreographic assistance: Špela Vodeb
- Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
- Light design and technical director: Luka Curk
- Costume and set design: Jasna Vastl
- Video: Hana Bi
- Production: KUD Cortesia
- Co-productions: Tersicorea/Suoni e Pause (Sardinia/Italy), Dance Theater Ljubljana (Slovenia), Cankarjev dom Ljubljana (Slovenia), Tabačka Košice (Slovakia), Mediterranean dance centre Svetvinčenat (Croatia), Studio Alta Prague (Czech Republic)
- Project is co-financed by the Municipality of the City of Ljubljana, Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Ljubljana, the Municipality of the City of Celje, Slovak Arts Council
Milan Tomášik: SOLO 2016
Solo 2016 is a personal and at the same time a universal account of a dancer who, through a series of various emotional states, speaks about a world beyond the black box; about intimacy, sadness, trust and hope, beauty and terror. The dancer’s movement is the thread joining and connecting the past and the future with the present moment, in which everything changes while the body constantly traverses the space and time within and without the line of forces that violently intrude in our intimate space. The intertwinement (of styles and periods) in music functions as the body’s extension into space and dictates the change in muscle tensions that produce rhythm – as traces of movement in time. The border between the illuminating and the absorbing light is situated on the thin line between presence and fading, between the disappearing and the flowing [of life] outside and inside a closed space of [creation]. Solo 2016 is a reflection of a moment, uncatchable and at the same time timeless, which comes and is already gone; one has no strength to grab it. After the solo performances Within (2006) and Off-Beat (2011), Solo 2016 by the Slovakian dancer, choreographer and dance pedagogue Milan Tomášik rounds off his trilogy of solo performances created in the last decade.

TEASER by Hana Bi:
TRAILER by Hana Bi:
6th of July 2019 – B12, Berlin, Germany
27th of October 2018 – Hybaj ho! festival, Alta, Prague, Czech republic
25th of October 2018 – Cooltour, Ostrava, Czech republic
13th of October 2017 – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
1st of September 2017 – Monoplay festival, Zadar, Croatia
29th of August 2017 – Vibra festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia
11th of August 2017 – Tanzwerkstatt Europa, Munich, Germany
17th of July 2017 – Akropoditi festival, Syros, Greece
20th of May 2017 – Zagreb Dance Center, Croatia
28th of April 2017 – Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, Žilina, Slovakia
27th of April 2017 – Divadlo Študio tanca, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
6th of December 2016 – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
5th of December 2016 – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
13th of November 2016 – Yucatan festival, Merida, Mexico
25th of October 2016 – Tanz_house festival, Salzburg, Austria
15th of October 2016 – Bratislava v pohybe, Bratislava, Slovakia
13th of October 2016 – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
12th of October 2016 – Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
11th of October 2016 – PREMIERE, Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
19th of September 2016 – Slovak PREMIERE, Tabačka, Košice, Slovakia
1st of July 2016 – public showing, T-off, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
10th of June 2016 – public showing, Mediterranean dance centre Svetvinčenat, Croatia
Klára Huvarová, Taneční aktuality, 2. 11. 2018,
“Milan Tomášik has proved, in addition to excellent dance and choreographic skills, an incredible respect for dance and movement as such. His work simply met with respect, sentiment, and the necessary humility of art to make an “ordinary solo” an extraordinary experience” “Milan Tomášik dal svým sólem kromě výborných tanečních a choreografických schopností najevo především neuvěřitelný respekt k tanci a pohybu jako takovému. Jeho práce jednoduše čišela úctou, citem a nezbytnou pokorou k umění pro to, aby se z „obyčejného sóla“ stal výjimečný zážitek.”
Sabine Leucht, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15. 8. 2017,
“He can deal with people. And he is also a great dancer. If only a small part of Milan Tomásik’s “Solo 2016″ appeared in a Varieté or Nouveau Cirque, it would be a great thing.” “Er kann mit Menschen. Und ein großer Tänzer ist er auch. Wenn nur ein kleiner Teil von Milan Tomásiks “Solo 2016″ in einem Varieté oder Nouveau Cirque auftauchte, wäre das ein tolles Ding.”
Maja Ležaić,, 20. 5. 2017,
„Although this solo tackles some existentialist notions of perspective and the relativity of space and time – which would lead one to expect the relativity of movement as well – Tomášik manages to keep the movement autochthonous, fluid and independent, although it is surrounded almost exclusively by symbols and generalizations. Playing with dimensions, expectations and postulates, Tomášik not only wipes away the existentialist questions, but creates a unique dance which is so expressive that it becomes untouchable.“ “Iako se radi o plesnom solu koji svojim idejama i postavom barata i s nekim egzistencijalnim idejama perspektive, relativnosti vremena i prostora, (koje su odlično prikazane kroz svjetlosni i tehnički dizajn Luke Curka), pa bi se iz toga očekivalo i pokreta, Tomášik uspijeva ostaviti pokret jedinim mjestom koje iako okruženo gotovo isključivo univerzalizacijama i simbolima, zadržava svoju sferu autohtonosti, fluidnosti, nezavisnosti. Izražaj plesa koji briše egzistencijalna pitanja, ne samo da se igra s dimenzijama, očekivanjima, postavkama… on je nedodirljiv. Ples kao benevolentno, vankonkurentno vladanje.”
Daliborka Podboj, parada plesa, 21. 10. 2016,
“When the artist’s intimacy exfoliates and shows itself, this is a personified ritual, in which the state of every person present begins to vibrate since what vibrates is the bodily substances of refined senses and perceptions of movement. That night, ours were inspired by the genuineness and nobility of the artist’s and dancer’s creation. We were grateful to him for his refined and expressively artistic note, his stage illusion, which, at least for a short while, took us away from the outside world of reality.” “Ko pa se umetnikova intima lušči in daje na ogled, je to poosebljen ritual, kjer zavibrira tudi stanje vsakega prisotnega posebej, saj vendar vibrirajo telesne substance prefinjenih čutil in gibalnih zaznav; naše so bile ta večer navdahnjene s pristnostjo ter plemenitostjo stvaritve avtorja in plesalca, bili smo mu hvaležni za to njegovo prefinjeno in izrazito umetniško noto, za njegovo odrsko iluzijo, ki nas je vsaj za kratek čas odpeljala iz zunanjega sveta realnosti.”
article:článok by Jakub Mudrák, presented publicly on 24.11.2017 – only in Slovak
SOLO 2016 – kolofon, o predstavi :SLO
SOLO 2016 – kolofón, o predstavení : SK